I realise I
now got two posts titled «time table», but I really couldn’t be arsed to conjure
up a more creative title for this one, so, as many teachers say here: Deal with
it. (Okay, so they don’t technically use that exact phrasing, but that’s still
what they mean. Though, I could say it the exact way my temporary Irish acting
teacher says it: “I don’t give a fuck”. That is, word by word, letter by letter, what
he says. He is awesome!)
But at any rate,
that aside; this is basically what I do every day, apart from the occasional
change of rooms. That is always a very nerve wrecking thing, as the teachers
never tell you whether or not you’re going to be in a different room next time.
This information is not posted on the internet either, but rather as a piece of
paper on the notice board on the fifth floor in the university building (the
building is called Gateway), so if you forget to check one day and the lesson
has been relocated and you are late because you didn’t know, then that’s tough
luck for you.
(Click on the picture for a closer look)
Anat & Phys = Anatomy and physics.
H&S = Health and safety
GAT = Gymnastics, acrobatics, tumbling
Takk for brevet Leno! Det er så koselig å få brev, jeg er stor fan av brev. Svar kommer iløpet av kort tid. Synes også det er superkoselig at bloggen din heter "There and back again". Klem fra Lilyhammer